Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Deity on Trial - Part 2 - Devo for 05/13/08

John 5:16-40

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus explains that the work of creation ended on the seventh day, but not the work of compassion (vv. 16-18). Why does his explanation make his enemies even more determined to kill him?
2. What insights do verses 19-23 give us into the Father's devotion to the Son?
3. What insights do verses 19-23 give us into the Son's dependence on the Father?
4. According to Jesus, why is our response to him a matter of eternal life or death (vv. 24-30)?
5. What "witnesses" does Jesus call forward to testify on his behalf, and how does their testimony validate his claims (vv. 31-40)?


Anonymous said...

First person of the day!

1.Because the pharisees thought that the Messiah had not come back yet, but he did that was Jesus.

2.That we can't do anyting without The Father, we aren't anything without him.

3.That he is the creator of everytinng and we follow Him.

4.If we reject him we are in a state of eternal death, but if we accept him we have eternal life.

5.John, either way they really weren't believing Jesus or they weren't listening.

I am the first one and I approve of this message.

Anonymous said...

I spelled the word everything wrong so will you please accept my apologies.

Anonymous said...

John 5:16-40

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus explains that the work of creation ended on the seventh day, but not the work of compassion (vv. 16-18). Why does his explanation make his enemies even more determined to kill him?

because he was saying that he was the son of God.which was true.

2. What insights do verses 19-23 give us into the Father's devotion to the Son?

that the fathers love is great for the son. and that the son can't do anything without the father. so the father must always be devoted to his son. ( that alot)

3. What insights do verses 19-23 give us into the Son's dependence on the Father?

The son needs the father because he can not do anythign without the father.

4. According to Jesus, why is our response to him a matter of eternal life or death (vv. 24-30)?

because if we respond saying no our soul is dead for ever and we go to hell. if we say yes our spirit lives for ever and we go to heaven.

5. What "witnesses" does Jesus call forward to testify on his behalf, and how does their testimony validate his claims (vv. 31-40)?

john because he was a light unto the world that prepared the way for Jesus.

Anonymous said...


1. Because they think God rested from every thing not just creation.

2. That we can't do anything without our Heavenly Father.

3. That we should witness more.

4. Because it depends on if you will go to heaven or hell.

5. John because he was the light in a dark world.

Anonymous said...

1.He was saying that He was equal with God,which to them was considered blasphemy.Not only that,but He had "broken the Sabbeth."
2.The Father gave His son his power.The son came to earth to do the Father's will.Likewise,we whould do what God wants us to do.
3.The Son does what He does because of what the Father has given Him.
4.Time is running short.You must accept Christ or be separated from Him forever.
5.Those who truly believe in Him are His witnesses.

FIVE AND A HALF DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT!!(including half days)

Anonymous said...

1.because he said that he and his father are always working.

2.that whatever the father does the son should and "He who does not honor the son does not honor the fether, who sent him.

3.that the son should respect the father and follow after everything he does.

4.becuase he said who is not condemned: that he has crossed over from life to death.

5.John but i really don't know the second part of the question.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
Because He worked on the sabbath and He also said that God was His Father.

Anwser to #2
That we cant do anything with the Father if we dont have the Son.

Anwser to #3
That what ever the Father does the Son does so He (the Son) is following in His (the Father) foot steps.

Anwser to #4
Because He decides weather we have everlasting life in Heaven or Hell.So we need to choose what we say wisley.

Anwser to #5
All of the Belivers.

I thought that #2 and #3 were the same question if I didnt read it all the way I would have skiped it.

Anonymous said...

1. Jesus explains that the work of creation ended on the seventh day, but not the work of compassion (vv. 16-18). Why does his explanation make his enemies even more determined to kill him?
Because he was not only performing miracles, but was also saying that he was the Son of God.

2. What insights do verses 19-23 give us into the Father's devotion to the Son?
That the Father sent the Son and gave him power. People need to believe in the Son to believe in the Father. They are ONE.

3. What insights do verses 19-23 give us into the Son's dependence on the Father?
The Son's power comes from the Father. The father also tells him what he is doing. The Father takes care of the Son.

4. According to Jesus, why is our response to him a matter of eternal life or death (vv. 24-30)?
Because we can only achieve eternal life. If we believe in the Son we will be saved. If not, we will have an eternal punishment.

5. What "witnesses" does Jesus call forward to testify on his behalf, and how does their testimony validate his claims (vv. 31-40)?
He first recalls Juan the Baptist said. Then he recalls all the miracles he performed, and last but not least he shows that the bible talks about him.

(12.5 days left of school)

Anonymous said...

1. he said he was the son of god

2. we cant do anything without the son of god

3.the son does what ever the father dose

4. if you sasy yes you god to heven. if you say no you will go to hell for eternal life

5. jonh because he was always there for god

Anonymous said...


This study is so neat because it goes along with what I have been studying in school this past year.We went through the book THE LIFE OF CHRIST:ACCORDING TO JOHN.It's really cool seeing the two come together.


Anonymous said...

Responsive Ouestions

1)He would say that he was the Son of God

2)That we need to believe in him because we can't do nothing with-out him.

3)That the Son does what the Father does

4)That you should believe in him if you want eternal life in heaven or you will have enternal death in hell if you don't.

5)John because he would help Jesus

Anonymous said...

(6 1/2 days left of school yay!!!! i get out on the day of brooke's b-day lol well party at least lol)

1.because he admitted to doing work on the sabbeth if it was healing or not.
2.well the son cannot do anything without his father doing it so the father is doing good so that the son does good also and does the fathers will.
3.well the son couldnt accoplish anything without the father so...he kinda needs
4.that if we believe him and fallow him we will have eternal life, but if we go our own way we shall DIE!!!!!!!!!!(o little dromatic...but death is a bad thing...anyway random moment lol sorry)
5.John cause like he made way for Jesus andall so ya thats the answer sorry i lost my train of thougt lol.

Anonymous said...

sorry bout the typos but i assume u can make out what the word is lol i hope lol

Anonymous said...

1. Because he was saying that He was the Son of God.

2. We cant do anythig without our Father and the Father must be doing good so the son will do good.

3. The son needs the fathers help because wihtout him he cant do anything.

4. If we dont accept him we go to hell if we do then we can have eternal life which is salvation.

5. John, because those who have Jesus in their heart should be witnesses for him.

Anonymous said...

John 5:16-40

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus explains that the work of creation ended on the seventh day, but not the work of compassion (vv. 16-18). Why does his explanation make his enemies even more determined to kill him?
because he was saying that he was the son of God

2. What insights do verses 19-23 give us into the Father's devotion to the Son?
the father has great compassion for his son and the son is nothing without the father

3. What insights do verses 19-23 give us into the Son's dependence on the Father?
well, without the father the son would have never been there so the son has great dependence on the father to teach him and everything.

4. According to Jesus, why is our response to him a matter of eternal life or death (vv. 24-30)?
because if we accept Jesus in our hearts then we have eternal life but if we reject him then we are dead to him and burn in hell eternally

5. What "witnesses" does Jesus call forward to testify on his behalf, and how does their testimony validate his claims (vv. 31-40)?

john because he was the light of the world to prepare the way for
Jesus....(copied Gerson) after i put it i looked down and we had the exact same thing lol

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
I think they think that Jesus is being blasphemous when he claims that he is the Son of God, and thats what gets them riled up.

Answer to 2.
We see that God loves His Son very much and that He wants see people honoring His Son as people honor Him.

Answer to 3.
Jesus does everything God does is what i think it says in those verses.

Answer to 4.
Its pretty simple, if you accept him as your Lord and Saviour and allow him to enter your life, you can go to Heaven, if you dont , you wont.

Answer to 5.
John is his witness, but he also says later on that His Father is also a witness, and he says that God is his best witness because he knows everything about him.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus explains that the work of creation ended on the seventh day, but not the work of compassion (vv. 16-18). Why does his explanation make his enemies even more determined to kill him?

Because of His claim that God was His Father, which also meant that He was claiming to be deity.

2. What insights do verses 19-23 give us into the Father's devotion to the Son?

The Father loves Jesus and has empowered Jesus to be the manifestation of His glory on earth. He has also given Jesus the power to act as judge over all men, declaring that Jesus is deserving of honor.

3. What insights do verses 19-23 give us into the Son's dependence on the Father?

That without His Father, Jesus can do nothing. In fact, Jesus’ entire ministry is grounded in the will and power of the Father.

4. According to Jesus, why is our response to him a matter of eternal life or death (vv. 24-30)?

Because those who believe will receive eternal life, while those who choose to reject will experience eternal judgment.

5. What "witnesses" does Jesus call forward to testify on his behalf, and how does their testimony validate his claims (vv. 31-40)?

He refers to John the Baptist (who for a time had people who supported him and believed what He was saying), to the works that Jesus Himself has been called to do (these different works show His deity), and to the Father Himself (the fact that we are able to search the scriptures and get to know Him).

Anonymous said...

1. They wanted to persecute Him because they felt He was breaking the Sabbath and that He was calling God His Father and making Himself equal with God.

2. The Father is doing everthing for HIs son. He is also doing things so that the Son gets honor and glory like the Father.

3. The Son is watching and following His Father. The Son is everything becasue of the Father.

4. If we don not accept the fact that Jesus is our Savior and died on the cross for us, we cannot have eternal life.

5. John and Jesus says that John gave them light. He also said that His Father is a testimony that He sent Jesus and we also have the WOrd of God.

Anonymous said...

1.because he said him and his father are always working need to beelive in him cause with out haim he can't give us comfort or help or somthing thay were strugging in are life
3.that he has make everything
4.god love us all and he wants us to go to heaven yes!!!!
5.john would have help jesus

Anonymous said...

1.because he was working on the sabbath day because his father always worked. so that is what he did.
2.because whatever the father does he teaches his son, because he loves him.
3.he depends on his father to show him work so he will know what to do in the future.
4.because if we believe in him we have eternal life but if we choose not to believe in him then we will be condemmed.
5.John is who he sent forth to testify him.

Anonymous said...

megan and morgan did the devos for today together.

Anonymous said...

1. Jesus said that God was his father and they did not believe him.
2. God gave him the power to do "a lot" of miricles.
3. Whatever Jesus does he can't do it without the Father.
4. It is up to us to witness to unbelievers. If they do not accept Christ, they will spend eternity in hell.

5. John is Christ's witness.