Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Deity on Trial - Part 3 - Devo for 05/14/08

John 5:39-47

Responsive Questions
1. In verses 39-47 Jesus claims that both the Scriptures and the testimony of Moses stand against his accusers. These religious leaders rested their hope of acceptance before God on their obedience to the written law of Moses. If you were in that situation, would Jesus' challenge make you angry, or would it force you to reevaluate your attitude toward Jesus? Explain your answer.
2. What steps can you take to avoid slipping into the kind of religion that is outwardly pious but inwardly bankrupt?
3. According to this chapter, what factors influence our verdict for or against Jesus?

Applying Chapter 5 in Your Life
1. What are some places in your immediate surroundings that are marked by loneliness or suffering?
2. What are some ways that you can share Christ with the people that inhabit those areas?


Anonymous said...

I think I am the first one?!

Anwser to #1
Well since I have never been in a sititaution like that I really dont know.

Anwser to #2
Well I can be the kind of person that is the same inside and out.

Anwser to #3
Well I cant say aganist Jesus because I will always love Him and I kind of dont know what Verdict for either.

Anonymous said...

1.I would probebly be confused
2.well i woud have to believe it with all my heart and know the truth.
3. well the people convicted him of doin bad stuff, but Jesus prooved that he was the Son of God.
Applying Questions
1. i sometimes make myself seem like i am a bad person who messes up all the time.
2.well i can tell people that i have been there and no one is perfect and God wants to use you but he cant if you focous on your mistakes.
p.s. hey bekah y do u put bo bare?lol

Anonymous said...

im doing this in school in science and my friend lexie is watching me lol ya were bored lol our teacher is talkin bout seashells or somethin lol

Anonymous said...

I put bo bare because that is my nick name that my parents call me and everyone else has a differant name so i put mine

Anonymous said...

John 5:39-47

Responsive Questions
1. In verses 39-47 Jesus claims that both the Scriptures and the testimony of Moses stand against his accusers. These religious leaders rested their hope of acceptance before God on their obedience to the written law of Moses. If you were in that situation, would Jesus' challenge make you angry, or would it force you to reevaluate your attitude toward Jesus? Explain your answer.

honestly i would relook over my attitude. because since i know who Jesus is i know that he knows all and what is best for me so i would try to understand what Jesus wants to tell me:P

2. What steps can you take to avoid slipping into the kind of religion that is outwardly pious but inwardly bankrupt?

actually study what they believe. see it from all different angles there is and most importantly compare it to what the bible sais!

3. According to this chapter, what factors influence our verdict for or against Jesus?

he was charged with mal doings but Jesus used the truth to turn the aqusations around! YEAY JESUS!!!

Anonymous said...

Responsive Question

1)I would be really confused because that has not happen to me yet

2)I can stop listening to bad bad inflences and listen to more godly inflences


Applying Chapter 5 in your Life



Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to send that message I just hit publish your comment so I will do another one

Anonymous said...

hey gerson i just wanted to say thanx 4 puttin up the questions as u do them cu thats how i usually answer them lol its hard otherwise lol thax!!! u rock!!!

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)I would be really confused because that has not happen to me

2)I can stop listening to bad inflences and listen to mare godly inflences

3)Jesus always told the truth

Applying Chapter 5 In Your Life

1)I don't really know

2)To tell them his word

Anonymous said...

Responsive Question

1)I haven't had that happen to me

2)I can do Godly things

3)Jesus never lied

Applying Chapter 5 In Your Life


2)To show them how Godly I can be

Anonymous said...

1. I don't know.

2. I don't know.

3. He did change.

1. I don't know.

2. By telling them the Word of God.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. In verses 39-47 Jesus claims that both the Scriptures and the testimony of Moses stand against his accusers. These religious leaders rested their hope of acceptance before God on their obedience to the written law of Moses. If you were in that situation, would Jesus' challenge make you angry, or would it force you to reevaluate your attitude toward Jesus? Explain your answer. I guess I would reevaluate my attitude and make sure my beliefs were in the right. I'm not positive though, I would have to be in the situation.
2. What steps can you take to avoid slipping into the kind of religion that is outwardly pious but inwardly bankrupt? I think just constantly checking my behavior against what the scripture says and evaluating it at all times. I get convicted about my behavior in church as well. Like on Sunday when I wondered if my children really see the love of God in me. I hope they do because that is the biggest wish I have for my children, to have a heart for God and the things of God. You know that is also what I want for the teens and the reason I'm in teens. I want you all to have a true love and desire for God.
3. According to this chapter, what factors influence our verdict for or against Jesus?
the scriptures, other people, our experiences
I'm sorry I haven't been doing this but it is really, really hard for me to find the time. It is easier to read my bible over breakfast.

Anonymous said...

1. I think that I would have to reevaluate my attitude, but probably because I get very concerned about what other people think of me. I tend to try to please people, so if someone was telling me I was doing or thinking something wrong I would have to find out why.

2. By staying in the Word of God, which this blog has helped me to do more faithfully!

3. We must have the love of God in our hearts, and read and study what the Scriptures tell us about Jeusus.

These are some deep rooted questions!


1. Not sure if this question means personally in my life or in people and places around me. Pesonally I can easily fall into the woe is me trap when I am having a bad day. Around me, there are lonley/suffering people everywhere. You don't have to go far to talk to someone that is suffering.

2. Well, now I know the question didn't mean personally.. I should have looked ahead. Dumb me! Anyway, I think being a listener to someone who is hurting is a good way to open the door to tell that person what Christ has done in my life and how He has helped me through difficult times. Sometimes people just need to vent and then you can lead into talks about Jesus.

Anonymous said...

1.If I believed that Jesus was truly the Son of God then I would definetly evaluate myself probably after arguing my case(knowing how I am).
2. surround myself with those who will encourage me in the scripture & attempt to create Biblical habits.
3. Faith in the truths of scripture.

Anonymous said...

1.i would be very conf
2.some of my friends are like that like and i try to help her some time i have invited her to church
3.jesus help with me

2.invited cjurch church so if i could have not done it maybe they could

Anonymous said...

John 5:39-47

Responsive Questions
1. In verses 39-47 Jesus claims that both the Scriptures and the testimony of Moses stand against his accusers. These religious leaders rested their hope of acceptance before God on their obedience to the written law of Moses. If you were in that situation, would Jesus' challenge make you angry, or would it force you to reevaluate your attitude toward Jesus? Explain your answer.

I guess I would reevaluate my attitude and make sure my beliefs were in the right. I'm not positive though, I would have to be in the situation.

2. What steps can you take to avoid slipping into the kind of religion that is outwardly pious but inwardly bankrupt?

By staying in the Word of God

3. According to this chapter, what factors influence our verdict for or against Jesus?

well for Jesus, he is the main example in my life and im sure in others as well, and just how he handled situations really proves that Jesus will never put us in a circumstance that we cant handle.

Applying Chapter 5 in Your Life
1. What are some places in your immediate surroundings that are marked by loneliness or suffering?

well im not sure what you mean, But there are people every and places all around suffering with problems.

2. What are some ways that you can share Christ with the people that inhabit those areas?

just be a friend and talk to them.

sorry im a day late....super busy yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Thomas, we all have busy days...I need forgiveness as well because here is my post...late...

Responsive Questions
1. In verses 39-47 Jesus claims that both the Scriptures and the testimony of Moses stand against his accusers. These religious leaders rested their hope of acceptance before God on their obedience to the written law of Moses. If you were in that situation, would Jesus' challenge make you angry, or would it force you to reevaluate your attitude toward Jesus? Explain your answer.

More than likely it would have made me angry, since I would have been trusting in my works to gain acceptance from God. However, there are those who when confronted with the truth are first offended, but then search for answers because the questioning of their motives bothers them. Knowing my personality, that’s probably what I would have done, outward display of disgust and anger, then a search through the Scriptures to see exactly what Moses had to say.

2. What steps can you take to avoid slipping into the kind of religion that is outwardly pious but inwardly bankrupt?

Daily devotions are a great step! Some other steps are comparing myself to God’s Word rather than other people, dealing with sin in my life before pointing it out in others’ lives, and asking God for wisdom on a daily basis.

3. According to this chapter, what factors influence our verdict for or against Jesus?

Bottom line, we either trust in ourselves or we believe the teachings of Jesus and His Word.

Applying Chapter 5 in Your Life
1. What are some places in your immediate surroundings that are marked by loneliness or suffering?

Public high schools, nursing homes, hospitals, and the homes of some people I know.

2. What are some ways that you can share Christ with the people that inhabit those areas?

I could spend time there, either on a volunteer basis or through a specific ministry-related outreach, so that I might have an opportunity to share the Gospel.

Anonymous said...

1.Both,I would be angry and embarrassed because I would gave to reevaluate my life.
2.By doing devotions,praying, and serving when nobody is watching.

1.There are plenty of people at my school who are hurting or going through tough times.
2.I can be an encouragement to them.

Anonymous said...

Near the top of the page are the words in blue "Show Original Post". If you click on that the Qs are at the top of the page. That's how I do it.

Anonymous said...

1. I would reevaluate my attitude because what Jesus said would have convicted me.
2. Study to see if it goes against what the Bible says. If it does than I should avoid it.
3. We have to either have faith in what the Bible says or have faith in ourselves.

1. The lives of those who are without Christ.

2. Share with them about what Christ did for them on the cross.

Anonymous said...

1. Since i have never been i a situation ike that i really dont know what i would do.

2.By reading the Bible and praying daily.

3.The convicted Jesus of doing bad things and then Jesus proved he was the Son of God.

Anonymous said...

Coming back to do this one.
Answer to 1.
I would hope i would reevaluate the situation and make a commitment to come back to Christ.
Answer to 2.
Try to be as humble as possible.
Answer to 3.
Hes the son of GOD. Period.
Answer to 1.
Theres always people suffering everywhere no matter if it's a millionaire or someone in poverty.
Answer to 2.
Just be available to talk with or help them.