Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jesus, the Bread of Life - Part 1 - Devo for 05/15/08

Reflective Questions
1. How do you usually respond to an "impossible" situation - a problem in your life that doesn't seem to have a solution?
2. Recall a time when you (or a friend) faced circumstances that seemed beyond your ability to handle. How did God demonstrate His presence and power in that situation?

John 6:1-15

Responsive Questions
1. How would you characterize Philip and Andrew's responses to the problem of feeding this enormous crowd (vv. 5-9)?
2. If Jesus knew what he was going to do (v. 6), why do you think he asks these two disciples for advice?
3. How do you think the disciples feel as they gather up the leftover pieces (vv. 12-13)?
4. What insights does this passage give you into how Jesus may be at work in the difficult situations of your life?


Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Pray

2. He showed me from His Word that He really does care, and no matter what struggles we go through, He is always waiting for us to turn to Him for help and not others.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. How do you usually respond to an "impossible" situation - a problem in your life that doesn't seem to have a solution?

take my time, and most importantly put my full faith in God. its hard to at some times but through this BLOG it is really helping me with tuff situations.

2. Recall a time when you (or a friend) faced circumstances that seemed beyond your ability to handle. How did God demonstrate His presence and power in that situation?

when i hurt my knee. i thought i was done playing football and wakeboarding and thought i had to have surgery and it was really hard in those times but God blessed me with only 4 torn miniscus(you only have 4 in both your knees lol i tore all of them) and tore my ACL a little...Therapy(sp) helped me and made it to where i didnt need surgery.

John 6:1-15

Responsive Questions
1. How would you characterize Philip and Andrew's responses to the problem of feeding this enormous crowd (vv. 5-9)?

They didnt just give up. they made an effort to find somthing and even though they only found that little bit of food which anyone else wouldnt even think twice about, they still took it to Jesus.

2. If Jesus knew what he was going to do (v. 6), why do you think he asks these two disciples for advice?

honestly i have no idea. i guess to just listen to them and see if tey knew anything to do?

3. How do you think the disciples feel as they gather up the leftover pieces (vv. 12-13)?

umm...they felt a couple of diferent things. 1, they were amazed that Jesus took that tiny ammount and filled everyone with leftovers. 2, wondering why there were 12 baskets seeing as there is 12 deciples. 3, thankful to be able to eat with them and be filled.

4. What insights does this passage give you into how Jesus may be at work in the difficult situations of your life?

it shows that Jesus has no limits to what he can do and like i said on the last blog. he will never put us in a situation that we cant handle..

Anonymous said...

Reflective questions
1.I ask God to help me and i just trust that he will help me through the situation.
2.i had a problem with a certain person in my school this year and i thought i was gonna yell at her and dis her and stuff like that i never thought i would be able to be nice, but God gave me the power to not let her get to my head, she's still kinda annoying (a lot lol jk sort, but God is helping me all the time.
Responsive questions
1.they were doubtful that the disciples and Jesus could feed all the people, they fogot that the Son of God was with them. see if they would put their faith in him or doubt that Jesus could do a miracle in the situation.
3.probebly kinda stupid lol i would feel stupid lol
4.that God knows everything that is gonna happen to all of us, he would never give us something we cannot handle and we need to trust that he will help us because he said he will never leave us or forsake us.

Unknown said...

Sorry about my earlier post. I didn't mean to publish my comment because I didn't have the time to complete the questions. I'll finish it now though.

Responsive Questions
1. They were trying to fit Jesus' infinite power into their finite minds. They were trying to solve the problems by human means when they had someone there who could solve it by above human means.

2. He wanted to test them to see how strong their faith was. He knew that they needed to have stronger faith, but He wanted to give them the chance to try.

3. I think they were amazed and maybe even felt foolish for not trusting that Jesus had a plan.

4. We may be trying to fix our problems with our own ideas and thoughts, but we should just let Jesus take the reigns and work a miracle. We cannot always know His actions because they are much higher than what we can comprehend.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question

1)I pray to God and trust in him to tell me what to do

2)God was with me and I could tell that he loved me. He was guiding me to do the right things

Responsive Question

1)I would that they tried there best

2)He was testing to see there faith and how strong their faith was

3)I think they felt amazed at what God did

4)That God would never give something to hard to do also that every thing happens for a reason

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Trust God to take over that sitution and pray.

2. I don't remember a time.

Responsive Questions
1. That they did not belive Jesus but then after they saw what he did then they belived

2. Because he wanted to.

3. They fell like they were a part of it.

4. Compare to a verse in the Bible says he is always there.

Anonymous said...

#1)They would try to do thier best

#2)He was testing them to see how strong thier faith was

p.s. I am not that go at spelling

I had to do these over because they I didn't understand them after I read over when I posted them

Anonymous said...

1. i usually pray and sometimes read. the bible. one time me and my sister kayla werer sad so we got are bible and sat down and read genesis

2. that does care for use and are promles

responsive questions

1 they were suprise at how much for that had and belive god

2 i think to see if they had any idea.

3. that wounder how they were going to feed all the people and were amazed at what jesus did with a tiny ampount of food

4. jesus will always be there and heple when we need and proived stuff for use

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. How do you usually respond to an "impossible" situation - a problem in your life that doesn't seem to have a solution?

I usually search the Word and pray…sometimes I try to “fix” the problem myself, but very quickly realize God is better equipped to handle any issue, which then draws me back to His Word and communication with Him.

2. Recall a time when you (or a friend) faced circumstances that seemed beyond your ability to handle. How did God demonstrate His presence and power in that situation?

Losing my leg was a circumstance that required God’s presence and power in my life. I believe He used that event to draw me back to Him. There were times during the recovery process when I didn’t know if I would ever be able to deal with it, if I was ever going to be the “same” again. However, every time (without exception) fear, doubt, or pity began to creep in, God reminded me that He was there to be my strength, my comfort, and my peace. He reminded me that every circumstance that occurs in my life is known by Him and the hard times I face in my life are for the purpose of changing me to be more like Him so that I might bring glory to His name. As I was reminded of those truths, it encouraged me to focus on living for Him rather than “recover” from my accident. I’m convinced my spiritual mindset was directly related to the speed of my recovery, which also was a demonstration of His presence and power.

Responsive Questions
1. How would you characterize Philip and Andrew's responses to the problem of feeding this enormous crowd (vv. 5-9)?

Philip – He answered Jesus’ question in a physical sense, never acknowledging the supernatural power of the one who asked Him the question.
Andrew – He saw the offering of the little boy and said it simply wasn’t enough, even though it was given to the Savior.

2. If Jesus knew what he was going to do (v. 6), why do you think he asks these two disciples for advice?

It was a test to see what they truly believed about Jesus.

3. How do you think the disciples feel as they gather up the leftover pieces (vv. 12-13)?

I think they wondered, “How in the world do we have leftovers? What is going on here? I can’t believe what I am seeing!” We know this because later on Mark (6:52) tells us that their hearts were hardened regarding this miracle.

4. What insights does this passage give you into how Jesus may be at work in the difficult situations of your life?

This passage shows me that Christ is able to take the most difficult of situations and bless in abundant ways. There are no limitations with God; there is no task too great for Him. In fact, in spite of my doubt and disbelief in who God is, He is still able to work in ways that force me to recognize His power and His presence. This miracle also shows me that God is not just concerned with meeting the physical needs of many, but also the spiritual needs of an individuals.

Anonymous said...

hey brooke sorry 4 getting mad bout the game i just wanted to win we'll just have to give our best next time and ill try not to get so mad lol

Anonymous said...

1.I usually pray.

2.My very good friend(Tanner Huff) was moving to and we were both very sad but they anded up not moving because Pastor Joel got a job at the church.

1.They were amazed and thought it was impossible to feed all the people.

2.He wanted to see if they had enough faith in Him.

3.They probably thought that was way to much food to handle.

4.Jesus can do anything.

Anonymous said...

1.pray to god

1.i would work really hard and try my best
2.he was testing his strengh
3.god dose amzing thing in are life
4.god will never give up

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
Well we can pray

Anwser to #2
I dont know

Anwser to #1
Well just watch how they respond even though they only got a little bt of food how they would act.

Anwser to #2
Just to see what they would say.

Anwser to #3
That they feel like they did a good job that they trusted in Jesus to supply for the people.

Anwser to #4
That I need to just trust in Him and not give up on Him.


Anonymous said...

REFLECTIVE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Answer to 1.
Sometimes I just ask God for help and ask Him to show me what to do.

Answer to 2.
Well just recently I have been in a play at Indian Rocks and I thought we were never gonna get it together but it's been really good. I asked God to help me and all the other cast members remember their lines and set changes. I really think God helped us. It's kind of a milder situation than others but it popped into my head.

Answer to 1.
I think they had a mindset that was being too realistic. They may have underminded the power of Jesus.

Answer to 2.
He wanted to see what their response would be.

Answer to 3.
They must have felt a little emberassed but i also think they felt amazed at what Jesus had done.

Answer to 4.
Hell sometimes test you to see if youre paying attention.

Anonymous said...

1.Most of the time I just give up.
2.Kind of right now.I'm getting ready to leave a school with kids that I have known sivnce I was five.It's going to be a big move,but I need to trust God.

1.Philip doubted and said that they didn't have enough money.Andrew told Christ about the boy with the food,but he barely had enough to feed a few.
2.He was testong them to see how they would respond,if they would trust Him.
3.They were probably still in awe of what had just happened,and realized that they needed to trust Christ in every situation.
4.He is in control.No matter how big the situation is,He is powerful enough to use that situation to bless me.

Sorry I'm late.My computer was messed up for a couple of days.

Anonymous said...


1. I probably cry first..then pray..then try to work it out on my own..then pray again knowing that I am powerless without God.

2. When I lost three pregnancies in a row...when it happened the third time I didn't think I would have the strength to make it to the next day, or to deliver the baby, or to make funeral arrangements (which were required by law). I can say that ONLY through the Lord's strength did I make it through. He gave me a verse (I Peter 5:10), and I kept remembering over and over again and claiming God's promises that He would bring me through. God was real to me then..and through patience and prayer He brought us precious Olivia!


1. They were doubtful that they would ever have enough to feed the crowd.

2. He was testing their faith in Him.

3. Amazed and ashamed that they did not believe that their God could take care of the situation.

4. Miracles can still happen today, through Jesus, even when we feel like we are at the end of our rope! The Lord knows our needs. God knows that Tony has to work to provide for the family, and so far God has made sure that Tony has some kind of work. Maybe not the best job, but a job. I have to remember that like the old song says.."My god is so big, so strong and so mighty ..there is nothing my God cannot do!".

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1.Pray and read the Bible

2.When my grandma died I did not know why this would be happening to me and i thought God was punishing me or something but i realized that I had gone away from God and i needed to go back to him and I did and now i am doing a daily walk with him.

Responsive Questions
1. They didnt think they would have enough food.

2. He wanted to see what response they would give Him.

3.I think they were amazed and also feeling kinda bad because they doubted the power of GoD.

4.we need to trust that God will never give us anything we cant handle and he always knows wat is going to happen.

Anonymous said...

1. I pray to and ask God for help.
2. I'm getting ready to move on to high school after going to the same school with the same people since K5.

1. They doubted that the food could feed that many people.
2. He was testing them to see their resposes.
3. They probably found out that God can do a miricle by using other people.

4. He knows what will happen and is always in control.