Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Jesus, the Bread of Life - Part 3 - Devo for 05/17/08

John 6:60-71

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus turns away from the crowd and focuses on his disciples. How would you describe their responses to his "hard teaching"?
2. Which response best describes your present attitude toward Jesus, and why did you choose that answer?
3. Jesus has contrasted the two appetites found in every person - the appetite for food that perishes and the appetite for food that endures. In what way has Jesus satisfied the spiritual hunger in your heart?

Applying Chapter 6 in Your Life
1. Evaluate how you use your resources of time, money, and energy. Based on how you distribute your resources, what needs in your life do you work hardest at meeting?
2. What steps can you take to bring more balance in your life?

Find someone this week that you can ask to hold you accountable for the changes that need to be made.


Anonymous said...

John 6:60-71

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus turns away from the crowd and focuses on his disciples. How would you describe their responses to his "hard teaching"?

a little suprised. he had never really tought to them in a manner or that strict before then.

2. Which response best describes your present attitude toward Jesus, and why did you choose that answer?

i guess peters response.

3. Jesus has contrasted the two appetites found in every person - the appetite for food that perishes and the appetite for food that endures. In what way has Jesus satisfied the spiritual hunger in your heart?

i guess.

answering that questions, i have pertaining to my spiritual means.

but i would actually say is that God made man with the NEED to adore and serve God. Jesus has allowed me to do so when he died on the cross and cleansed me of my sins. cause without sins, I am able to server God properly....umm ok now that i read it over it dosn't sound like what i wanted to say..but its really hard to explain it.

Anonymous said...

1.They complained about it and Jesus knew it.
2.Peter had the words of eternal life but didn't know where to take them.He was basically asking,"Who do I go to tell?"
3.By giving us His word we have all that we need to be filled.Certain verses are a real encouragement to me when I need it.There is always something new to learn.It helps us stay focused on what really is important.

1.I probably spend a lot of time worrying about physical needs.
2.By spending more time serving others and drawing closer to God.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. They might have not like it.

2. I don't know.

3. I don't know.

Applying Chapter 6 in my life
1. I don't know.

2. By spending more time listening to others and congrats them.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)They didn't like it and Jesus could tell.

2)I know a lot about Jesus just like Peter did but he dosen't know who to tell it to and I know who to tell it to. I guess

3)Giving us his word to learn and share to the world.

Appplying Chapter 6 in Your Life

1)I foucs on a lot of things. I don't know

2)To walk in God's path that he made for be and share his word

Anonymous said...

1.they said who can accept it?so it seems to me that its basicly saying that its to hard to understand.
2.simon peters that where are we gonna go Jesus has the words of eternal life.and that we believe and know that you are the holy one of god. he always takes care of my needs.he helps me through all hard times.
1.i try hard to make all my goals that i make.
2.doing my devotions every day.

Anonymous said...

1. to hard to understand and complaining and Jesus knew that.

2.Peter knew what to say but didnt know who to tell it to.

3. He gave us the Bible and died on the cross for our sins and that is all we need.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. They thought that it was too difficult to understand.

2. Peter's. He said that he had the words to say but didn't know who to tell them to.

3. I have salvation and the Bible.

Applying Chapter 6 in Your Life
1. I work on things that don't really matter.

2. I can spend more time on the things that do matter.

Anonymous said...

John 6:60-71

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus turns away from the crowd and focuses on his disciples. How would you describe their responses to his "hard teaching"?

a little suprised. he had never really tought to them in a manner or that strict before then.

2. Which response best describes your present attitude toward Jesus, and why did you choose that answer?

Peter had the words of eternal life but didn't know where to take them.

3. Jesus has contrasted the two appetites found in every person - the appetite for food that perishes and the appetite for food that endures. In what way has Jesus satisfied the spiritual hunger in your heart?


1. Evaluate how you use your resources of time, money, and energy. Based on how you distribute your resources, what needs in your life do you work hardest at meeting?

the Goals that i set. and to be a witness to as many people as possible.

2. What steps can you take to bring more balance in your life?

my devos, reading the Bible, Praying...

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus turns away from the crowd and focuses on his disciples. How would you describe their responses to his "hard teaching"?

They must have been offended by the things Jesus was teaching because He asked them why they were offended in v. 61. Jesus also told them of their unbelief (v. 64), and questioned the 12 to see if they would depart as well (v. 67). Peter responded with confidence regarding why they needed to follow Him and who He was.

2. Which response best describes your present attitude toward Jesus, and why did you choose that answer?

My present attitude is that of Peter. I am confidently following Christ, knowing that He is the only one who possesses the things I need to live this life for Him.

3. Jesus has contrasted the two appetites found in every person - the appetite for food that perishes and the appetite for food that endures. In what way has Jesus satisfied the spiritual hunger in your heart?

Jesus not only met my eternal need for salvation, He also meets my daily needs through a personal relationship with Him. He promised the Holy Spirit to me, and because of His residence in my life, I am convicted of sin and can understand the Scriptures. The Word is my source of food, it can meet every hunger pang that I have in life. He also satisfies my spiritual hunger through the avenue of prayer. What a powerful tool He has given us so that we might communicate with Him! The last area that comes to mind is fellowship with other believers. The encouragement and wisdom that comes from knowing other believers is something that meets a hunger need in my life.

Applying Chapter 6 in Your Life
1. Evaluate how you use your resources of time, money, and energy. Based on how you distribute your resources, what needs in your life do you work hardest at meeting?

There are two big needs I see my resources directed towards, my need to honor God and my need to care for my family.

2. What steps can you take to bring more balance in your life?

There are 3 basic steps I think I can take to bring greater balance to my life, 1) invest more time in the Scriptures, 2) make sure I have people to whom I am accountable (first my wife, then other godly men that I know), and 3) obey the directives that are given to me by the authorities in my life (God, Pastor, etc.).

Anonymous said...

I tried to do this Saturday but my internet was doing something wierd.

1.They were used to a calm person being Jesus but he was straight out with the facts and they didn't like it.

2.Peter knew a lot about Jesus because he was with Jesus 24/7 but he didn't know what to say or who to talk to.

3.He does a lot for me to satsfy my hunger like giving me and everyoone else the Bible or to be able t speak with.

App;ying Chapter 6 to my life

1.I spend a lot of what others think of me but that doesn't matter that much.I would rather have people seeGod's love in me.

2.By spending more time in God's word.

Anonymous said...

2.i think that god is part of are life and we should fouces on him
3.takinjg his word in to us fouse on the lord than fouces on the rest of the stuff that god as gaven us and not on stuff that dose notr aplly in life
2.studying gods words

Anonymous said...


1. They were grumbling/complaining. Kinda like when your parents tell you something you don't want to hear.

2. I feel like I have an open heart to the Lord...yet there are many times I go out on my own whim and try to handle things myself anyway.

3. He gives me peace and comfort and wisdom that I could get from no other place.


1. Definitley managing my time. I always feel like I am going 100 directions at once. Funny, Tony and I just had this conversation last night.

2. Prioritizing!

Anonymous said...

I am so behind
Anwser to #1
Well suprised He had never talked to them like that before

Anwser to #2
Well I dont know.

Anwser to #3
He helps me through hard times I am having and He stays with me always.

Applying to my life
Anwser to #1
Staying with what I am doing just never giving up.

Anwser to #2
Reading the Bible and Praying.

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
they murmured a bit and couldnt understand what he was saying.
Answer to 2.
Sometimes u dont stay as close as u should or dont think something's fair but God is alwys fair.
Answer to 3.
When ur feeling down, u can always go to God, when ur feeling up, you can praise God. Sometimes just reading a verse is a great encouragement.

Answer to 1.
physical needs: getting fit, eating, staying healthy
Answer to 2.
Focus more on Spiritual needs.

Anonymous said...

responsive questions
1. I would like it and i would listen more to his word.

2. I really don,t know.

3. My attitude toward jesusis very god

applying chapter 6 in your life
1. I would porble speand my time worrying aboutmy family and god. spend more time with god and at church and more.