Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Shine, Jesus, Shine - Part 1 - Devo for 05/26/08

Reflective Questions
1. Have you ever tried to talk about Christ with a family member or coworker who was hostile to your message?
2. How did you feel at the time?
3. How did you try to penetrate that person's spiritual barriers?

John 8:12-30

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus' first claim is "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." What does it mean to walk in darkness (v. 12)?
2. How has following Jesus brought light into your life?
3. The Pharisees challenge the validity of Jesus' claim (v. 13; see Deuteronomy 19:15). How does Jesus answer their challenge (vv.14-18)?
4. Jesus' reference to his Father leads to his second claim - that he came from God. In what way does this claim heighten the tension between Jesus and his opponents (vv. 19-30)?
5. Jesus says, "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins" (v. 24). What is the response of our contemporary culture to that claim?


Anonymous said...

Lets do our devos for this week

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Have you ever tried to talk about Christ with a family member or coworker who was hostile to your message?

no not really.

2. How did you feel at the time?


3. How did you try to penetrate that person's spiritual barriers?

trying to relate with them

John 8:12-30

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus' first claim is "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." What does it mean to walk in darkness (v. 12)?

To walk in sin and in a world of sin.

2. How has following Jesus brought light into your life?

relief, understanding of what this world might accuse us of.
showing love when love feels farthest away.

3. The Pharisees challenge the validity of Jesus' claim (v. 13; see Deuteronomy 19:15). How does Jesus answer their challenge (vv.14-18)?

by using the scripture and stating that its not only his testimony but also of the father who sent him. and that in their law the testimony of 2 men is the truth.

4. Jesus' reference to his Father leads to his second claim - that he came from God. In what way does this claim heighten the tension between Jesus and his opponents (vv. 19-30)?

His opponents to don' believe him and believe him as blassfamus(sp) for saying he is the son of God.

5. Jesus says, "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins" (v. 24). What is the response of our contemporary culture to that claim?

that we don't need Jesus. that ist a lie and that we won't die or go to hell because of our sins.that its just an old story.
they don't except Jesus as their savior

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. No 2. 3.

Responsive Questions
1. To not have the Holy Spirit to guide you and to live just like the world lives.

2. I am no longer bound by sin.

3. There is a testimony of two men: God and Jesus.

4. They didn't believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

5. They don't believe that it is true.

Anonymous said...

1. Yes
2. Annoyed and frustrated
3. Calmly...trying not to push my faith on them. Prayer.

1. To not know Jesus or have Him in your life
2. He gives me hope, peace, comfort and wisdom...and so much more.
3. Bascially He lets them know that they have no understanding of where He came from and that He is the Son of God the Father. They did not know Him nor believe in Him.
4. They continued to question Him and still did not understand who He was.
5. I think the world thinks that as long as their good deeds out weigh the bad deeds they will be okay. They also believe that we are our own "god".

Anonymous said...

1.No,but very defensive.
3.By not fighting

1.It means to be in sin and not see the true light.
2.His light revealed what was wrong with my life.It brought me to salvation.
3.He told them that they do not really know who He is-God.
4.They still did not fully understand and were confused.
5.They believe that they can do it on their own,that they don't need anyone's help, or that they aren't really that bad off in sin.

Anonymous said...

1.yes, well there not normally hostile they just hate the word of God and would be willing to stop talking to that person ever again if they kept talkin bout it.
2.scared, and worried that they would never talk to me again.
3.well i tried to use proof and something they could relate with.
Responsive questions be in sin and the world.
2.well he gave me good parents,friends,food,clothes and he saved me from going to Hell o and a nice school.
3.that it doesnt matter what they think because he knows the truth and the pharisees wont be going to the same place after life so it reak\lly doesnt matter what they think and say.
4.because Jesus is trying to tell them that if you know im Jesus them\n you would know that my father is God but the people dont understand.
5.most people dont care they just say o we have one life and im gonna live it well.

Anonymous said...

1.Yes, Ihave even been asked questions to which I have no answers.
2.It makes me mad to think how easy it is to accept Christ, and yet people are so nieve to what will happen to them after death.
3.I try to explain the gospel to people. I am not a pushy in your face person. I tend to back off without conflict in these situations.
Responsive Questions:
1.I believe it means to live without knowing Christ. To die and go to Hell. Never knowing true love.
2.By loving me unconditionally. I also know that one day I will see Jesus and know true love. I will no longer have worries.
3.He lets them know that he has the answers and they do not. He knows the truth and they judge by the flesh. He points out their corruption in verse 17.
4.Jesus basically tells them that he has come by his Father to do his Fathers work. That they are sinners and going to Hell without accepting him. He let them know that they were living for this world and when they die they were going to Hell.
5.I feel that contemporary culture has a trend towards thinking that what I feel is right and if it suits me then thats ok. I think that when they die they will be surprised by their beliefs. I think contemporary culture believes in Jesus but are misled about the truth of salvation.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. no, but i have with a classmate.
2. Like I was not doing it right.
3. Trying to see what they see.

Anonymous said...
2.well nobody has every gotten mad about me telling them that.
3.its never happened to me before. not follow after God, not be saved or have him in your life.
2.Because he saved me and washed my sins away.
3.that they do not no where he is going or where he came from but that he was sent from God and that his descions are right. He is not alone.
4.they still did'nt understand who he was.
5.they probobly would'nt understand what i was talking about and dont know why they would go to hell if they were'nt saved.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. It means that you walk in sin.
2. By helping me witness to people.
3. That he judges no one.
4. That he is the one that can save them and no one eles.
5. That you should go to Hell and not Heaven

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1

Anwser to #2
Scared about what they were going to do and if they were going to accept what I had to offer.

Anwser to #3
I cant remeber it was along time ago.

Anwser to #1
To walk in sin.

Anwser to #2
I know that when I die I am not going to Hell to be able to go to Heaven.

Anwser to #3
Tells them that He is who He says He is.

Anwser to #4
He said he was Gods Son and they didnt understand.

Anwser to #5
That they dont care and we have 1 life to live it well and not care.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions


2)I kind of get scared

3)It hasen't happend to me

Responsive Questions

1)To walk ina sinful ath

2)That I took Jesus to be my savoir I get to go to heaven

3)He tells them that he is the only who can save them from there sins and that if they believe on him they can have everlasting life in heaven

4)They don't believe him

5)They don't care

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. No


3.i dont have any unbelieving family members so i dont have any barriers with them

Responsive Questions
1. to walk in sin

2.That when i die i know i am going to heaven!!

3. He tells them that they don't know who is is or where he came from.

4.They do not believehe is the son of God

5. They don't need God they can do everything on their own.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Queations
3)I hasn't happend to me

Responsive Questions
1)To walk in path full of hate and sin
2)He has saved me from my sins
3)He tells them that he is who he said he was
4)That didn't trust him
5)Thet didn't care about what he was saying

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
Answer to 2.
it feels a little intimidating when your talking with someone about God that doesnt want to hear it.
Answer to 3.
You turn a conversation into a spiritual one gradually over a little bit of time.

Answer to 1.
Darkness meaning walking with the world, conforming yourself to being like the world.
Answer to 2.
Everything that the Bible talks about happens in real life everyday. Its interesting when you read a couple verses one day and see someone do what the Bible talks about and watch people have consequences and go through hard times and you know they shouldnt have done what they did.
Answer to 3.
He just told them that he was valid, and that he is Gods son.
Answer to 4.
The Jews just thought that he was blasphemous in saying that he was the son of God and the Jews were getting perplexed at Jesus' statements.
Answer to 5.
They thought that they were gonna die soon because of Jesus' claim.
(i think)

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Have you ever tried to talk about Christ with a family member or coworker who was hostile to your message?


2. How did you feel at the time?

I felt very hurt that someone so close to me could care less about their own soul and mocked me because of my faith in Christ.

3. How did you try to penetrate that person's spiritual barriers?

I used God's Word and pointed them to people they knew who had been changed by the power of God's Word, and how different those people's lives were because of their new faith in Christ.

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus' first claim is "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." What does it mean to walk in darkness (v. 12)?

This means to live in their sinful condition.

2. How has following Jesus brought light into your life?

Following Jesus has given me hope for eternity and has given me strength and understanding to live for Him daily.

3. The Pharisees challenge the validity of Jesus' claim (v. 13; see Deuteronomy 19:15). How does Jesus answer their challenge (vv.14-18)?

Jesus tells them that they don't know from where He came or where He is going, but His Father that sent Him bears witness of Him.

4. Jesus' reference to his Father leads to his second claim - that he came from God. In what way does this claim heighten the tension between Jesus and his opponents (vv. 19-30)?

Jesus said this while He was in the temple, which surely infuriated the Pharisees, but it wasn't His time to die yet. The more He spoke, the more the Pharisees questioned Him, and each time He told them they do not understand.

5. Jesus says, "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins" (v. 24). What is the response of our contemporary culture to that claim?

The response varies from one end of the spectrum to the other. Some will say that Jesus is one of many ways, while others say that all "religion" is a coping mechanism and when we die, that's it. However, there seems to be great hatred and ridicule for anyone who claims Christ's name. You can have any other type of faith and be o.k., but believe in Christ and all of a sudden your faith offends people.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Yes...they have just politely changed the subject or evaded it all together.
2. Sad...knowing they need to hear and believe the truth for eternal life.
3. Pray for them mainly. Try to approach them again later.

Responsive Questions
1. To walk blindly through life...not knowing what is the right thing to believe, the right way to go spiritually. You end up guessing at which way is right.
2. Jesus has helped me know that He is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life." By consistenly following His Word, He has helped me in difficult respond correctly. He has taken away the confusion that would exist in my mind if I didn'tk know the truth of His Word. I would probably believe every convincing argument out there if I didn't know His Word and the believability of it.
3. He was providing witness for Himself, and claiming the witness of God the Father in Heaven.
4. This big-time heightens the tension...His opponents claimed He was either merely human or from the Devil.
5. "How dare He judge me?!" "How dare He be so exclusive to say that He is the only Way?!"

Anonymous said...

1. no
2. i would probably run away
3. it has not happened walk in him
2.i took jesus he could be my savoire
3.he the only one who can save you
4.i do not belive in him
5.they did not care

Anonymous said...

responsive questions
1.I said that you should go to chuch and then maybe then they can make you belive in god more.

2. I felt really good so then they came.

3. there is a Testimony fo two family mebers how is son and father.

4. They Didn't Believe That Jesus is The Son Of God.

5. they didnt want to belive him and what he said.