Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Starting Over - Part 1 - Devo for 05/05/08

Reflective Question
1. What's the best gift you have ever received? Why was it so special?

John 3:1-12

Responsive Questions
1. How would you describe Nicodemus to a friend? What kind of person was he?
2. Jesus' reply to Nicodemus in verse 3 seems to have nothing to do with Nicodemus' statement in verse 2. Why do you think Jesus brings up the subject of new birth?
3. Why does Nicodemus respond to Jesus' explanation with such amazement (v.9)?
4. Why is Jesus likewise amazed at Nicodemus' ignorance (vv. 10-12)?


Anonymous said...

1. How would you describe Nicodemus to a friend? What kind of person was he?

a person that is completely obsesed in the materials he posseses and not so much how his spirit is.

2. Jesus' reply to Nicodemus in verse 3 seems to have nothing to do with Nicodemus' statement in verse 2. Why do you think Jesus brings up the subject of new birth?

because. new birth was what was needed to be saved and see the glory of Heaven.

3. Why does Nicodemus respond to Jesus' explanation with such amazement (v.9)?

because he thinks that Jesus is talking about carnal rebirth. When jesus is talking about spiritual rebirth.

4. Why is Jesus likewise amazed at Nicodemus' ignorance (vv. 10-12)?

because Jesus stated it as simply as he could. but Nicodemus just didn't get it!!!

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question
1. What's the best gift you have ever received? Why was it so special?

Oh, Strawberry Shortcake canopy bed when I was a little girl was totally amazing at the time. Ummm...Before we were married Jason gave me a gift certificate to Creative Memories...I could spend as much as I wanted...that was cool. (You never the money to do that after you get married!)

I'm probably totally forgetting some huge monumental gift Jason has given me...oh yeah...the engagement ring was awesome! :) But I just like all his gifts...

Responsive Questions
1. How would you describe Nicodemus to a friend? What kind of person was he?

Very religious...not very bold.

2. Jesus' reply to Nicodemus in verse 3 seems to have nothing to do with Nicodemus' statement in verse 2. Why do you think Jesus brings up the subject of new birth?

Jesus refused to be distracted by lesser questions from Nicodemus. He wanted Nicodemus to get straight to the heart of the matter. It doesn't matter if we think Jesus was a great teacher...or even come from God. What matters is that we believe that He is the Messiah, the Savior, and that we accept Him as OUR Savior (not just THE Savior) that we can be reborn into His family.

3. Why does Nicodemus respond to Jesus' explanation with such amazement (v.9)?

I think he truly was ignorant of what Jesus was saying. He had been so caught up in the rules and regulations of his religion that he missed the whole point of the promised Messiah.

4. Why is Jesus likewise amazed at Nicodemus' ignorance (vv. 10-12)?

Of all people, Nicodemus (As well as the other religious leaders) should have instantly recognized Jesus as the fullfilment of all the Messianic prophecies.


Anonymous said...

Reflective Question
1. What's the best gift you have ever received? Why was it so special?

umm...prob my drum set because i have always love playing them but could never afford a set. and it has just opened up so much for me and its a big stress relief.

Reflective Question
1. What's the best gift you have ever received? Why was it so special?

John 3:1-12

Responsive Questions
1. How would you describe Nicodemus to a friend? What kind of person was he?
a person that was more set on worldly posessions rather than heavenly treasures.

2. Jesus' reply to Nicodemus in verse 3 seems to have nothing to do with Nicodemus' statement in verse 2. Why do you think Jesus brings up the subject of new birth?

because in order to be saved you have to spiritually be reborn...

3. Why does Nicodemus respond to Jesus' explanation with such amazement (v.9)?
because he thinks Jesus is talking about actual birth when Jesus is refuring to spiritual birth

4. Why is Jesus likewise amazed at Nicodemus' ignorance (vv. 10-12)?
because Jesus explains it as easy as possible but he just dosent get it...

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question
1. The best gift I ever recieve was a new Bible for my 13th birthday from my mom.

Responsive Questions
1. That Nicodeums is a very wise person but does not understand som stuff as we think he should.

2. Because he knows Nichodeums needs to be born again to enter heaven.

3. Because he does not know what to be born again means.

4. because people should know they need to be born again but do not believe.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a good time in Indiana Mrs. Lange

Anonymous said...

-The best gift I ever got was a book that my dad put together for me on my fifteenth birthday.It was filled with letters of advice from influencial women in my life.

1.Nicodemus had a lot of Biblical knowledge because he was a scholar,but his head knowledge was not enough.He was curious as to who Christ was and wanted to know how to receive salvation,but was kind of embarrassed to approach Christ in broad daylight.
2.Jesus knew what Nicodemus needed (and wanted),and did not want anything to take away from what was really important.Maybe Christ knew that Nicodemus would never get around to asking that important question so He brought it up in His own.
3.What Jesus was saying was totally different than anything that Nicodemus had heard of.
4.Because Nicodemus was a religious ruler,he should have known who Christ was and what he had to offer.He had been taught all of the prophesies and should have known that Christ was the Messiah when he saw them right in front of him.

Anonymous said...

1.hmmm...thats a hard one but i will have to say that even though its kinda weird i love getting like friendship notes or hand written cards from people. I just love that. Some of them i will keep forever.

1.I think he was a smart person but also a person who had alot of questions.

2.I really don't know maybe Jesus knew what he was thinking and just went on to something else but was kinda relating to the question.

3.I think he was so amazed but confussed about the whole process that he didn't know what to think of it.

4.I think that Jesus was saying like i am telling you the truth why can't you just accept that he dosent understand that if he said anything about heavenly things how would he respond.

Anonymous said...

sarah sometimes you use such big words when im reading through your's i dont understand what your saying but that's ok lol.

ok everyone have a GREAT evening!!

Anonymous said...

1. How would you describe Nicodemus to a friend? What kind of person was he? A person that was more worried about worldy things than God and spiritual things.
2. Jesus' reply to Nicodemus in verse 3 seems to have nothing to do with Nicodemus' statement in verse 2. Why do you think Jesus brings up the subject of new birth. Because in order to go to heaven you need to be reborn spiritually and Jesus wanted to let Nicodemus know that.
3.Why does Nicodemus respond to Jesus' explanation with such amazement? Because Nicodemus thinks Jesus is talking about actual birth instead of spiritual birth.
4. Why is Jesus likewise amazed at Nicodemus' ignorance? Because Jesus explained it as clear as he could and Nicodemus just did not get what he was talking about.

Anonymous said...

my greatest gift was probebly my first bike because well... it was my first bike lol.

1.he was probebly rich, good looking (, but thought he knew everything there is to know about God.
2.well God knew nicodemus' heart. Though he did stop to talk to Jesus.
3.God said you have to be born again and to nicodemus it was impossible to be born again physically.
4.Because nicodemus was a bible scholarso God acted as if he exspected nicodemustoknow this.

Anonymous said...

1.The best gift that I have ever received is the gift of salvation,because now I know that I will have eternal life in heaven.

Anonymous said...

1.He would probebly be a selfish person that only cares about the things of this world.

2.To bring up salvation so Nicodemus would ask about salvation.

3.He thought that Jesus ment a physical birth not a spiritual birth

4.He was amazed by Nicodemus' because Nicodemus was "smart" and very high up the religous rankings so Jesus said something off topic to see if Nicodemus knewwhat he was talking about.

Anonymous said...


1)I would say love is the best gift because you have someone there when you need them.

Responsive Questions

1)He was the kind of person that worried about what the world thinks of him and if he fit in with the world more then heavenly things.

2)I think that Jesus just wanted him to know that he would have to be reborn spiritually.

3)Nicodemus is thinking way different from God is thinking because he was never heard such a thing.

4)Jesus keeps on explaining it to Nicdemus but he still doesn't get it at all.

Anonymous said...

1. getting come to church with my friend let me come to church with her i would have never made the choice to take god to be my sav!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. ok but he's trying to look 4 great and power words

3. god was trying to tell him he was spiritly

4. because niodemus was exspected to explain i quest

Anonymous said...

also mr jason i was th eone on 4/30/08 that forgot to put my name so i just copy it again and that time i put my name

Anonymous said...

1. How would you describe Nicodemus to a friend? What kind of person was he?
Nicodemus is one of the "masters." They thought they knew all about God and his word, but didn't.

2. Jesus' reply to Nicodemus in verse 3 seems to have nothing to do with Nicodemus' statement in verse 2. Why do you think Jesus brings up the subject of new birth?
Because he knew what Nicodemus needed. He knew that Nicodemus had doubts and wasn't saved.

3. Why does Nicodemus respond to Jesus' explanation with such amazement (v.9)?
Because all these things Jesus spoke of were new to him. Even though he knew the scriptures, this was a concept he couldn't understand.

4. Why is Jesus likewise amazed at Nicodemus' ignorance (vv. 10-12)?
Because they all called themselves masters. They acted like they knew it all, but couldn't comprehend what Jesus spoke about.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I can't believe Taylor thinks I'm stealing Sarah's lines.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question
1. What's the best gift you have ever received? Why was it so special?

The best gift I had ever received was a trip to the National League Championship series with my Dad. It was a great time spent together that I will always remember.(John)

The best gift ever was my engagement ring and the birth of my son. Because they are the two people that the Lord has blessed me with and they continue to be a blessing to my life. (Ruth)

Responsive Questions
1. How would you describe Nicodemus to a friend? What kind of person was he?

Nicodemus was like a religious lawyer. He knew all the rules/laws of the land as well, or better than most. Yet, he was just as unknowledgeable about the TRUE spiritual condition of his own soul.
2. Jesus' reply to Nicodemus in verse 3 seems to have nothing to do with Nicodemus' statement in verse 2. Why do you think Jesus brings up the subject of new birth?

Jesus is telling him that he (Nicodemus) cannot see Him for who He really is because he is not of the kingdom of God. Point in case is that not only was God with Jesus, but he is part of Jesus, and Nicodemus failed to see that.

3. Why does Nicodemus respond to Jesus' explanation with such amazement (v.9)?

Because with all his knowledge of "religious" law, he does not know or understand about being born into the kingdom of heaven. He missed the class "true salvation 101".

4. Why is Jesus likewise amazed at Nicodemus' ignorance (vv. 10-12)?

Jesus isn't amazed. He is making a point to "Nic". He is trying to impress upon him that his "religiousness" has failed him. Christ is showing him how little he actually knows about what is truly important, The kingdom of Heaven.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question
1. The best gift that I have ever received was my first saxophone.

Responsive Questions
1. Nicodenus was a cowardly man because he went to Jesus at night.

2. He knew what was in Nicodenus' heart. Jesus knew that he needed to be born again.

3. Nicodemus had never heard of being born again before.

4. Nicodemus was a Pharisee. He should have known those things.

Anonymous said...

1.the best gift i have is gog as my savior andmy family

1. he does not seem like he trust god and is worry about other things

2 because he was talkoing about being save and when your saved you are reborn

3. he was not thinking the same way as god was he did not no what he was talking about.

4. jesus keeps telling him over and over agian but he does not get it

Anonymous said...

by the way taylor huffernutter we enjoy laughing at the little comments you put in they are funny!!

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. How would you describe Nicodemus to a friend? What kind of person was he?
A person who doesn’t understand or believe a lot of things. Also a confused person.

2. Jesus' reply to Nicodemus in verse 3 seems to have nothing to do with Nicodemus' statement in verse 2. Why do you think Jesus brings up the subject of new birth?
So Nicodemus would get saved.

3. Why does Nicodemus respond to Jesus' explanation with such amazement (v.9)?
because I think he thought it was not possible to be born again or he was just amazed at what Jesus was saying.

4. Why is Jesus likewise amazed at Nicodemus' ignorance (vv. 10-12)?
Because he is a ruler of Isre-al, I think, and he doesn’t know these things.

Posted by The Leaders at 3:56 PM 19 comments

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question
1. What's the best gift you have ever received?
Cell phone.
Why was it so special.
because I like it, and I can text and talk to people.

Anonymous said...

The best gift I ever received would have to be.....i really dont know besides my salaviton!!!! Other than that i dont know!

1) That he was a god christian and that he was a good man to.

2) That Nicodenus could only see God's kingdom.

3) Because he does not know what being born again means.

4) Maybe because Jesus said as clear as day and stpuid Nicodemus didnt understand.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way have a safe trip to INDIANA Janette I hope you have fun

Anonymous said...

janette have fum! see you soon! and be safe!!!!

Anonymous said...

fun sorry lol

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question
1. What's the best gift you have ever received? Why was it so special?

Other than my salvation and my hottie wife, I would have to say the renovation and decoration of my office. It was a total surprise to me (she did it while I was in Belize). My wife put a lot of effort and time into that project and I am extremely appreciative. It is an every day reminder of her love for me.

Responsive Questions
1. How would you describe Nicodemus to a friend? What kind of person was he?

Consumed by his “religious knowledge” but totally void of any spiritual understanding.

2. Jesus' reply to Nicodemus in verse 3 seems to have nothing to do with Nicodemus' statement in verse 2. Why do you think Jesus brings up the subject of new birth?

How much we know ABOUT Jesus doesn’t impress Him. Jesus’ focus as He talked with Nicodemus was to make him aware of his need for personal redemption. That is why He said, “Except.” To me, that word signifies that Christ knew Nicodemus hope was in his religiosity rather than the promise of the Messiah.

3. Why does Nicodemus respond to Jesus' explanation with such amazement (v.9)?

Because Nicodemus was totally missing the point. He was caught up in the physical means of the birthing process rather than the spiritual aspect of what Jesus why trying to convey.

4. Why is Jesus likewise amazed at Nicodemus' ignorance (vv. 10-12)?

This man, who is supposed to be a spiritual leader of the people (master of Israel), has no understanding of the truth that is contained in the Scriptures, which is that Jesus is the promised Messiah, coming to redeem man from their sinful condition. Jesus tells him that He is speaking of what He knows is true and has experienced, but Nicodemus isn’t getting it. Jesus questions Nicodemus’ ability to grasp Heavenly matters if he can’t even understand the truth standing right in front of him.

Anonymous said...


1. Probably my heart necklace with the picture of my girls on it. It was so special because 1. Tony totally surprized me and thought of it all on his own and 2. It was a picture of my precious babies!!


1. He was very inquisitive..a lacked faith. He had a hard time understanding Jesus' teaching.

2. Maybe he wanted Nicodemus' to have a full understanding of who He was. He also wanted him to understnad salvation.

3. It seemed as though the comcept of being born again was totally confusing. He took that statement literally.

4. Because he was a leader in Israel and still was not convinced of the Truth of Jesus. Nicodemus only saw the signs and miracles of Jesus and couldn't accept or understand who Jesus really was.

Anonymous said...

Im a day late but i decided to come back and do this one.

Ok, alot to get to in this one.
First,Thomas, it might have been awhile since youve watched Thomas the TANK ENGINE, so ill give u some slack on the name, i guess.

Second, Mr.Sergio, if u go back and look at the tape, you did have the same quotee as sarah, BUT i said that it was possible that you two just thought the same way.

Since ive hogged up a lot of space of non-devo info, ill have to make my devo long, or would i have to make it short, I dont know, whatever we'll see what happens.

Answer to 1(Reflective).
The best gift ive evr received was probably a video game. Im a nerdy video gamer.

Answer to 1(Responsive).
I dont have that good of an idea but if i had to guess id say he was narrow-minded.

Answer to 2.
Ya um, that dusnt really seem to go with what Nicodemus said in verse 2, but maybe Jesus was just being humble and didnt want to talk about himself but wanted to Lead Nicodemus to salvation.

Answer to 3.
From my deep theological interpretation, Ididnt really find his statement hinted with amazement so much as it was dumbfoundedness.(im doing big words for brooke)I think Nicodemus just didnt understand what Jesus said at first.

Answer to 4.
H ecouldnt Believe that Nicodemus wouldnt Believe Him.