Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Starting Over - Part 2 - Devo for 05/06/08

John 3:13-21

Responsive Questions
1. How does the story of Moses lifting up the snake in the desert illustrate our need and Christ's offer of salvation (vv. 14-15; see Numbers 21:4-9)?
2. What impresses you about God in verses 16 and 17?
3. What do you learn about yourself (as part of "the world") in those verses?
4. Verses 18 through 21 emphasize the importance of our personal response to Jesus Christ. How would you describe your response to him?


Anonymous said...

Wow..I am the first?!
1. We must look to Jesus for our salvation, just like the Israelites had to look to the bronze snake to live. Jesus is the only way to eternal life and we must believe in Him.

2. As a parent it would be very difficult to give up my child for someone else, especially the sin of someone else. What the ultimate sacrifice God made when he gave His Son for us...and to see Him suffer the way He did. I don't even like to see my children really cry when they are hurt...I want to jump right in and try to take away their pain. What a sacrifice He made..and for me!

3. That God the Father and Jesus sacrificed a HUGE amount, just for me...and I surely don't deserve it, nor do I think I could have do it for someone else.

4. I attempt to look to Jesus in the good times and bad. I want know Him more and more and live by His Word. Lately, I have been trying to treat Jesus just like my best friend.

Anonymous said...

1. How does the story of Moses lifting up the snake in the desert illustrate our need and Christ's offer of salvation (vv. 14-15; see Numbers 21:4-9)?

We represent the snake
one of the lowest creatures in the world and Jesus is lifting us up to the heavens offering us all.

2. What impresses you about God in verses 16 and 17?

it shows how as father of Jesus He loves him very much as a parent would love a child and he loved the people IN the world so much that he sacrificed his ONLY son to give us salvation.

3. What do you learn about yourself (as part of "the world") in those verses?

that we don't deserve anything but the lord gave us ALL.

4. Verses 18 through 21 emphasize the importance of our personal response to Jesus Christ. How would you describe your response to him?

we shold always look to and be with God in the good times and not just the bad. to give him praise ALWAYS and look for him ALWAYS not just when we need him.

Anonymous said...


Ok back to Devos

1) Well i dont know but maybe we are low in the food chain and Jesus is the highest and He came to move us right below Him i guess

2) Well that he gave His only Son to die for the world and knowing that like not everyone would accept Him as there savior.

3) That I am a low person and that I need to be more like Christ so that that way i will be more up on the list like Jesus.

4) That i want to be in the light but you know some times it is hard to do that when you have temptations comming when ever they want so i think that is what my resopnse would be!!!


Anonymous said...

1.We were lost and despairing in our sin, but if we look to Christ,he will save us.The Israelites needed to look on the snake in order for them to be saved.

2.That God who has every right to condemn me to hell for what I have done, didn't.Instead, He put His son in my place.

3.God gave His only Son as a sacrifice for my wickedness.I am totally not worthy of that, but He did it anyway.

4.Because I am saved,I have responded by receiving the light.Men naturally love sin (darkness)and don't want to be exposed to the light because it will reveal the sin in their life. It makes them see the need for repentance.Staying in the darkness seems much easier to them because they don't have any personal conviction.

Happy birthday Bekah!Hopefully, this new year of your life will bring an abundance of knowledge and learning!(Oh,and maybe you'll get some money too!)

Anonymous said...

Ya hopefully i will get alot of money (oh ya an that knowledge thing)

Anonymous said...

1. How does the story of Moses lifting up the snake in the desert illustrate our need and Christ's offer of salvation (vv. 14-15; see Numbers 21:4-9)?
The snake can be considered a symbolism of Christ. Before accepting Christ we were going to die just like the people of Israel. Luckily Jesus died for us, so that if we believe in him, the same way the people had to see the snake, we will have eternal life.

2. What impresses you about God in verses 16 and 17?
The love he has for us. As a parent I would never let my son die just to save another person. Specially if that person is a sinner. I amazed at how much God loves us. HE gave his only son so that we could have the salvation that we don't deserve.

3. What do you learn about yourself (as part of "the world") in those verses?
That we REALLY need Christ, without him I would be condemn to death.

4. Verses 18 through 21 emphasize the importance of our personal response to Jesus Christ. How would you describe your response to him?
I usually try to be "in the light." I have to admit sometimes it is very difficult, specially at school. WEe are sometimes exposed to many things that are NOT godly.

by the way:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bekah!! Hope you have an awesome day, and may God give you an amazing year.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Beca!!
1. That we need to look to Jesus for our salvation just like the Isralites had to look to the snake to stay alive
2. That Jesus loved us so much that He was willing to send his only son to die on the cross for us.
3. That God has given us so many things we dont deserve.
4.That we need to look to God in the good times and bad.And always look to Him and not just when something is going wrong.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday i will bring your pants wed

good luck trying to get money

(bring my bathing suit)

Anonymous said...

1. Christ offers to us salvation which can only be accepted personally. The Isrealites had to look at the snake which saved them.

2. That God sent his only son to die on a cross for my sins.

3. None of us deserve eternal life and we deserve hell.

4. Those that are not Christians live in darkness. Because I have the Holy Spirit in my life, I need to share it with others.

Anonymous said...

its my b-day to im 18!!! lol jk im still 15....ok im 13 but anyway back on the subject:
1.we have to be lifted up by God and be made knew.
2.That we have done sooo much evil and God still looks upon us with love and doesnt look at the bad things we do but the good.
3.that the world is really really evil and God should just destroy us all,but he always gives us a second chance.
4.God forgives us even though we do more evil than good. he came to the world as a light to heaven and died for us even though we didnt deserve it. but even though he died we still have to except it. people that except Christ as their savior are in the light, but those who turn away from the light are in the darkness and have a one way ticket to an eternatey to hell lol but hey, even though it doesnt sound pritty, its the truth.
HAPPY B-DAY BEKAH!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i think bekah means she wants wisdom just like solomon asked for when God told him he could have anything on the earth and he picked wisdom....but hey i mean you can be smart and have money 2 right lol cant hurt to want money lol

Anonymous said...

1. So the Son of Man shall also by lifted up too.

2. That God did love us.

3. That we don't deserveanything he gave us but he did it anywhy.

4. He deserve our action. that he is kind.

Anonymous said...

happy late birthday bekah

Anonymous said...

John 3:13-21

Responsive Questions
1. How does the story of Moses lifting up the snake in the desert illustrate our need and Christ's offer of salvation (vv. 14-15; see Numbers 21:4-9)?
because we represent the snake

2. What impresses you about God in verses 16 and 17?
because he gave his only son and that shows how much he loves us and i honestly dont know if i could do that with my son...

3. What do you learn about yourself (as part of "the world") in those verses?
that i dont deserve anything christ did for me and that it really opens up my mind to how i should be....

4. Verses 18 through 21 emphasize the importance of our personal response to Jesus Christ. How would you describe your response to him?that we should look to god in both the good and bad times...

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about Stephanie's post and what she said about a parent giving up their child.I watched "The Passion of the Christ" today at school.This movie really shows the sacrifice God made when Christ came to earth.It's cool how her post goes along with what we're studying in school-just thinking.

Anonymous said...

Ya Sarah you think alot and thanks to everyone for saying happy birthday to me I had a good one!!
Oh ant by the way 14 year old Justin stop stealing my name!!!!!!hahaha just kidding

Anonymous said...

am i the oldest one?^_^:P

sergio that is funny!
yes your still 15 sorry:P


lol 14!!!!

YOUR GETTING OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)That we are the snakes and that Jesus is our savior and in order to everlasting life you have to believe in i.

2)That he gave his only son and I know I wouldn't do that if I only had one baby. Also that the loves us enough to forgive are sins.

3)That I am a very sinful person and that If God would have never sent his only to take a way are sins that. Without God doing that I wouldn't have everlasting life.

4)To always go to God with rough times and good times.

Anonymous said...

The last on that was sent in front of this comment was Kayla webb'sI forget to put my name

Anonymous said...

no gerson stephanie is the oldest and anyway if she didnt post it would be thomas so hahahaha

Anonymous said...

YO, evryone.

Thomas, in case you didnt get to see my last post i will have to reprimand you. ITS Thomas the TANK ENGINE, not thomas the choo choo train, but i guess u can do whatever u want lol.

Bekah, since everyone is saying Happy Birthday im not going to say Happy Birthday and thus saying Happy Birthday three times and now everyone's confused.

Just as the Serpent of Brass, we need to look at Jesus Christ and believe in him and we can be saved eternally instead of just being healed from a snakebite.

The amazing thing to me is that no matter who calls upon the Lord from any nation or race can be saved. THATS EVERYONE!!

Answer to 3.
That without GOD i would be headed for Hell just like every unbeliever in the WORLD.

Answer To 4.
Of course everyone tries to be ''in the light'', but many times we get caught up in the ungodly influences in our lives and are dragged into the DARKSIDE.

Anonymous said...

Sorry so's been a crazy day!

Happy Birthday Bekah!

I have really appreciated the banter that has been going on lately (the serious and the funny!).

This set of questions has been a huge blessing to me becuase it is another reminder of who God is and what He has done for me.

Responsive Questions
1. How does the story of Moses lifting up the snake in the desert illustrate our need and Christ's offer of salvation (vv. 14-15; see Numbers 21:4-9)?

In the Numbers account, the only hope of surviving the snakebite was to look at the brass snake that was set upon the pole. The same comparison can be made regarding our sinful condition. We have been “bitten” by the curse of sin. Without a remedy, every human being will experience (deservingly) eternal punishment. However, God has provided redemption through the “lifting up” of His Son on the cross as a substitute for our sin. Whoever looks upon Him shall be saved.

2. What impresses you about God in verses 16 and 17?

I would have to say the unconditional love that God has for us, in spite of us. Knowing how I am, the fact that God would send His Son to die for me is totally impressive.

3. What do you learn about yourself (as part of "the world") in those verses?

I’ve learned that my value to Christ is immeasurable, and that His desire to have a relationship with me is predicated upon His love for me.

4. Verses 18 through 21 emphasize the importance of our personal response to Jesus Christ. How would you describe your response to him?

My personal response to Christ has wavered over the course of my Christian life. I readily responded to Him at 9 when I realized God’s truth, asking Him to be my personal Savior. Unfortunately, there have been times in my life that I have chosen to walk in the darkness rather than residing in the light of my Savior. Ever since God used an accident to get my attention, I believe my response to Him has been one of obedience and a willingness to let Him change any area in my life He sees fit to change.

Anonymous said...

taylor james huffernutter you confuse me alot!!!!!!!and i am going to take that as a happy birthday so thanks!!!!! and thanks to you to jason

Anonymous said...

1. we are the snakes and god is taking us to hevan

2. he gave his only son to die on the cross for are sins

3.that i am al low person, and i dont derserve what jesus gave me but he still die for my sins

4. i pray jesus all the time not jsut when i need him

Anonymous said...

1.cause it means like what it says,"that howsoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life."

2.That through God anytihng is possible. Also that he gave his son to die on the cross fro our sins.

3.That i need to br more like God and not as much as the world.

4.Honestly i dont know what i would say.

Anonymous said...

John 3:13-21

Responsive Questions
1. Just like Moses lifting up the snake in the desert and only those who look toward the snake and believed, only those who look to Christ and believe that He will save them will be saved.

2. He was willing to give up His only Son to save us. WOW! But more awesome is the fact that he gave His only Son to save the world and not condemn the world. I think that I would have a hard time not wanting repayment if I had to give up my most treasured son!

3. He would gave gone to the cross to save just me.

4. I am so thankful that He put me in a place to know and accept Him as my Savior. The world loves darkness... but the consequences are REALLY NOT WORTH IT!

Anonymous said...

1.that we are the snakes and jesus is are savior
2.god die on the cross for are sins and that he is the only be/gotten
3.god has gave us what we need
4.we need to look to god